A Community created by and for Hoteliers
Do you want to optimize the result of your hotel (s)?
Do you want to share opinions and trends on the market with your sisters and colleagues?
Do you want to remain in control of your management and your identity?
You are a member of a hotel group and wish to optimize your results or simply maximize your financial results
You are looking for solutions to your problems (management, direct purchase / sale of hotels, Sales & Marketing, Operation, Financial etc ...)
Since 2016 THCC 1st Platform and International Community of Owners, decision makers and investors of the hotel industry, aims to allow its members to OPTIMIZE its GOP / RBE: to have profitable establishments!

Période COVID19
Devenez membre pour l'équivalent d'une chambre double mensuelle !

Pendant la période COVID nous avons choisis de proposer 3 abonnements promotionnels
Do you want to optimize the result of your hotel (s)?
Do you want to share opinions and trends on the market with your sisters and colleagues?
Do you want to remain in control of your management and your identity?
You are a member of a hotel group and wish to optimize your results or simply maximize your financial results
You are looking for solutions to your problems (management, direct purchase / sale of hotels, Sales & Marketing, Operation, Financial etc ...)
Since 2016 THCC 1st Platform and International Community of Owners, decision makers and investors of the hotel industry, aims to allow its members to OPTIMIZE its GOP / RBE: to have profitable establishments!
Do you want to optimize the result of your hotel (s)?
Do you want to share opinions and trends on the market with your sisters and colleagues?
Do you want to remain in control of your management and your identity?
You are a member of a hotel group and wish to optimize your results or simply maximize your financial results
You are looking for solutions to your problems (management, direct purchase / sale of hotels, Sales & Marketing, Operation, Financial etc ...)
Since 2016 THCC 1st Platform and International Community of Owners, decision makers and investors of the hotel industry, aims to allow its members to OPTIMIZE its GOP / RBE: to have profitable establishments!

Les Propriétaires et exploitants peuvent bénéficier de 3 sortes d'abonnements qui leur apporteront des actions et services liés spécifiquement aux segments:
Management & Opération
Sales & Marketing (dont rabais OTAs, bénéficier d'actions commerciales etc
Formations, webinars...
Financement, achat et vente d'hôtel
Entre autre...

Les abonnements sont mensuels ou annuels

Les Investisseurs et propriétaires hôteliers (généralement de plusieurs unités) sauront trouver dans ces deux abonnements des services sur-mesure et adaptés à l'investissement et à la re capitalisation
Achat et vente d'hôtels en direct
(Re) financement
Management et opération
Sales & Marketing
Entre autre...

Les abonnements sont mensuels ou annuels
Les abonnements sont mensuels ou annuels
Les abonnements sont mensuels ou annuels
Les Cartes de Membres

3 étapes simples pour nous rejoindre
Process d'adhésion simplifié

Choisissez votre Carte (ci-dessus) et nous contacter afin de mettre en place votre adhésion