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La  plateforme Toolbox (boîte à outils) du Cercle d'hôteliers indépendants vous permet de trouver plusieurs avantages et service précis dont: 

  • Nos événements exceptionnels en zone francophone pour échanger et partager

  • Des experts externes à votre disposition gratuite  sélectionnés et validés par nous

  • Une série d'avantages proposés par nos partenaires et fournisseurs du monde de l'hospitalité (rabais, etc)

  • Une possibilité d'acheter et vendre son hôtels en direct sans intermédiaires (

  • Pouvoir accéder à un service de recherche de financement

The Toolbox by THCC

it’s the Community Spirit

The Toolbox is an intranet website for hotel owners members, offering them actions, consulting, training and other dedicated services
You will benefit from more advantageous conditions or exclusive services.
Log in, make your choice, make an appointment for free with experts or suppliers, set up your strategy, optimize your costs and your products, you are no longer alone but no need of hotel chains.
Keep your freedom, while being autonomous: Enjoy the custom-made at a lower cost.
THCC offers services that are worthy of a hotel chain while maintaining total independence

Abonnez-vous pour en savoir plus

Merci de vous être abonné !

L'événement  du mois!


The Toolbox by THCC

it’s the Community Spirit

The Toolbox is an intranet website for hotel owners members, offering them actions, consulting, training and other dedicated services
You will benefit from more advantageous conditions or exclusive services.
Log in, make your choice, make an appointment for free with experts or suppliers, set up your strategy, optimize your costs and your products, you are no longer alone but no need of hotel chains.
Keep your freedom, while being autonomous: Enjoy the custom-made at a lower cost.
THCC offers services that are worthy of a hotel chain while maintaining total independence

Rendez-vous  confidentiels


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